The Cycle of Hair Growth
Understand hair growth and shedding cycles to recognize the underlying cause of your hair loss.
The Cycle of Hair Growth
Losing hair is a part of natural health process so that we can grow newer ones. However, when the hair growth is disrupted; we start experiencing thinning of hair and a more visible hairline. In order to understand the reasons of hair loss, one must recognize the normal hair growth cycle and its impact on the hair. Over the time, as the length of the hair growth cycle decreases, it results in hair becoming weaker and thinner. Therefore, it is important to ensure that you maintain a healthy lifestyle and include effective hair loss treatment in your daily regime to support healthy hair.
The Stages of the Hair Growth Cycle
Anagen phase - growth phase
The growth cycle of hair begins with the anagen phase. This phase can last anywhere from two to six years. It is your genetics that determines the total span of time your hair remains in this stage. This period also determines the length of your hair; the longer your hair stays in this stage, the longer it will grow. During this phase, root cells divide to produce new hair fibers. It is noteworthy to remember that 85% of your hairs are in the anagen stage at any given point of time.
Catagen Phase - transitional phase
As the anagen phase comes to an end, hair growth cycle enters in its next stage known as catagen stage. It is a transitional phase, and it lasts about 2-3 weeks. The hair follicle shrinks and separates from the papilla and detaches the hairs from any blood supply. It leads to shrinking of the hair follicle to about 1/6th of its normal length causing the hair shaft to shift upwards.
Telogen stage - resting phase
It is a resting period where follicle remains dormant anywhere from one to four months. Towards the end of the cycle, the hair follicles once again begin their activity. If the follicle is healthy, new hair that is the part of anagen phase develops, forcing the old hair to break free from the root. Thus, the entire process begins once again when the telogen phase comes to an end. Approximately, 10% of your hairs are in this phase at any given time.
Each follicle is at a different stage at different times, thus preventing shedding of hairs at the same time. An average healthy individual sheds up to 80 hairs every day. Hair loss, hair thinning, and other hair related problems occur when your growth cycle is disturbed. Normally, when your anagen phase is shorter than your telogen phase, it results in hair loss.
If your hair growth cycle is continuously challenged and not supported by your body, you might experience hair loss. Even though, a hereditary condition is stated as the most common reason for hair loss, it can occur due to stress, unhealthy diet and lifestyle, climatic conditions, hormonal imbalance, a medical disorder, and many others. It is important to take proper care of your hair to maintain its shine and health. If you experience any kind of hair fall, taking preventive hair loss treatments can help to curb your receding hairline.