How to Improve Blood Circulation
Follow these tips to improve your blood circulation and reduce the risk of heart diseases.
How to Improve Blood Circulation
Heart drives your blood circulatory system and provides a constant supply of blood to all the vital organs of your body through the blood vessels. Your circulation is important to your body as it transports red cells, whites cells, hormones, plasma, etc., to the entire body. It also helps in movement of nutrients throughout your body. Blood circulation is an essential function of your body and therefore is of utmost importance that it works at its optimal level.
Quick tips to improve blood circulation in your body
Exercise: Walk every day to aid blood circulation in your body and help your digestion process. A thirty- minute workout on a regular basis is highly recommended by all the experts to increase your blood circulation. You can also opt for other exercises such as jogging, swimming, cycling or aerobics, but the key is to do it regularly. Regular exercises will improve your blood vessels and strengthen your heart.
Get a massage: Massage increases local blood circulation by stimulating its flow in your tissues. Just like exercise, a gentle body massage helps to elevate your blood flow. If not possible daily, try to take a weekly massage. You can take a massage in the comfort of your home with home appliances such as Electroflex Circulation Massager to increase blood flow in your legs.
Lift your foot: Lack of proper blood circulation often aggravates the symptoms of varicose veins. Elevating your legs on a couple of pillows while sleeping will help you to relax and increase your blood circulation, thus helping your varicose veins.
Diet: It is very important to include foods in your diet that promotes healthy blood circulation in your body. Try to include plenty of green vegetables, fruits, whole grains, lean proteins in your diet. Healthy fats found in nuts, olive oil, or fish oil is also beneficial. Avoiding processed foods, packed foods, and food with a large amount of saturated and trans fats will help to improve your blood circulation.
Hydration: Keep yourself hydrated as any deficiency will hamper the performance of your body organs. Drink ample amounts of water every day and fortify your body with fluids such as fresh fruit juices, soups, or clear drinks. Stay away from any caffeine drinks or alcohol as it will not improve your circulation and further deteriorate your health.
Smoking: If possible, quit smoking as it not only damages your lungs, but also affects your blood circulation. Nicotine is considered to play a prime role among the major causes of circulation problems.
Hot bath: Every few days indulge yourself in a hot bath to promote circulation in your body. You can also add Epsom salts, which are naturally healing mineral salts to boost the benefits of your bath.
Stress: Over a period, stress can cause a negative effect on your blood circulation. Try to unwind by taking breaks from work, or indulging in stress-relieving activities such as meditation, yoga, or regular exercises.
You can consult your doctor to prescribe you or direct you to medications that may help you to improve your blood circulation. Medications such as iwell Cardio can not only help to increase your blood circulation but will also support your cardiovascular system.