Effects of Low Blood Pressure
What are the causes of low blood pressure and how does it affect you?
Effects of Low Blood Pressure
Blood pressure measures the pressure in your arteries during the resting and active phase of every heartbeat. Low blood pressure is also known as hypotension, and it can result in insufficient supply of blood to the brain and organs of the body. Low blood pressure is not a serious ailment, however, if you frequently experience symptoms, it proves beneficial for your doctor to monitor your blood pressure on a regular basis. Low blood pressure is usually diagnosed with a blood pressure reading that is consistently lower than 90/60 mm/HG.
When can you experience low blood pressure?
Low blood pressure can affect anyone and everyone depending upon various factors. Many factors have an hourly, or daily effect on the circulation of your blood . Time of the day, your age, mental stress, temperature of the body, certain foods can cause a drop in your blood pressure. These are all temporary causes, and it may wear off with a change in the condition. Many medical conditions can also cause low blood pressure.
The following are some of the common medical reasons of low blood pressure:
Pregnancy: As circulatory system inflates during pregnancy, it results in dropping of blood pressure among women. However, in most circumstances, it returns to normal levels after the childbirth.
Endocrine problems: Imbalance in thyroid glands, adrenal insufficiency, and even diabetes can trigger low blood pressure in some circumstances.
Dehydration: When your body loses more water than it intakes, it results in dehydration. It can cause fatigue, dizziness, weakness in your body accompanied by a low blood pressure. Strenuous exercises, fever, vomiting, overuse of diuretics, or severe diarrhoea can all cause dehydration.
Blood loss: Losing blood from the body on account of any internal bleeding or a major injury can lead to low blood pressure.
Lack of nutrients: A human body needs sufficient red blood cells to maintain the normal levels of blood pressure. Vitamin B12 and folate are necessary to produce healthy red blood cells and prevent anaemia. Any deficiency in these nutrients cause a drop in the blood pressure.
Heart problems: Heart diseases such as heart attack, heart valve problems, and low heart rate can cause a severe drop in your blood pressure.
Anaphylaxis: An allergic reaction such as anaphylaxis can cause breathing problems, swollen throat, hives, and a severe drop in blood pressure. It can trigger from a variety of reasons, such as latex, certain medications, foods, or insect venom.
Symptoms of low blood pressure
If your blood pressure is naturally low, usually, it will not give rise to any symptoms or require any medications. However, consistent low blood pressure can result in insufficient blood supply to your brain and other vital organs, and lead to the following symptoms:
- Lightheadedness
- Dizziness
- Unsteadiness
- Blurred vision
- Rapid or irregular heartbeat
- Confusion
- Nausea
- Feeling weak
In some circumstances, you may experience symptoms of low pressure after changing positions, such as standing up suddenly, it is called postural hypotension. Such symptoms, usually, do not last than more than a few seconds as your blood pressure quickly adapts to your new position.