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Fembido Case Studies

Lucy Bowden

34 years old/Major Donor Fundraiser

"I've always experienced low libido and lack of sex has become an issue in most of my relationships. Days can quickly turn into weeks, and weeks into months and it’s so easy to slip into sexless relationship. A nonexistent sex life soon starts to chip away at a relationship and self esteem.

I found it difficult to identify why I wasn’t interested in sex, I don’t have kids, generally I haven’t been bored by my partners and I’m perfectly healthy. My life is pretty stressful at times, but then whose isn’t? My self esteem probably doesn’t help the situation and my weight has fluctuated quite a lot in the past so I do have a fair few body hang-ups.

This went on for a number of years so after a routine check up at my GP, I thought I’d mention the problem to see if there was a magic solution out there. I was told that the problem could be down to my lack of body confidence as well as stress. I was given lots of advice on ways to boost my libido which I have taken on board and I am already noticing a significant difference. This included cutting down on alcohol, exercising more often and eating certain foods including pumpkin seeds. I have also started taking a natural libido boosting supplement called Fembido which has really boosted my desire for sex."

Tiffany Stevenson

23 years old/Studying Social Policy at Birmingham University

"I’ve been going out with my boyfriend for five months now. At the beginning, we had a really regular sex life and we were having sex at least twice a day!

I knew this wouldn’t last as sex usually tails off after a few months into a relationship, however our sex life began to really suffer after around three months in and when we did have sex, I found it virtually impossible to orgasm. I also starting taking the contraceptive pill at around the same time and I think it was this that affected my libido.

After a month or so, I decided that I needed to do something as we were starting to argue and it was becoming a real issue. A friend recommended I try Fembido which is a natural female libido enhancer.

So as well as taking Fembido, we have tried to make more time for each other. Rather than just watching TV until we fell asleep, we have started going to bed early to spend time together without distractions. The intimacy between us is definitely coming back. I feel more desire to have sex now and also find it much easier to orgasm.

It has made such a difference to me, not only are we happier as a couple but I feel much less stressed and happier in myself."

Sarah Wright

36 years old/Marketing

"My partner and had been together for seven years when I started to experience low libido. For the last year I had pretty much no sexual desire at all. It was very frustrating as I am perfectly healthy and I can only assume it’s because we’d been together for so long and I was simply bored.

I felt as though I only had sex as a duty and can’t really remember actually feeling lustful. It really affected my self esteem too, as it seemed like everyone else was having sex all the time. It got to the point where I needed to have a drink before I could even consider having sex with my partner.

I read about a new pill called Fembido which helps with female libido so I decided to give it a shot. After taking the pill, I definitely felt an increased desire to have sex and it was much easier to orgasm.

Our sex life gradually started to pick up but unfortunately, we broke up recently. I am now in a more casual relationship and enjoying a fantastic sex life! I still take Fembido as it really heightens my orgasms and makes sex more enjoyable."

Hermione Sethi

21 years old/Student

"I have been with my boyfriend for two years, he is a very caring and loving person, and we are really happy together.

The only thing I was unhappy about was our sex life as it had died down to once a month, or less. I was studying and working part-time in the evenings and he was working full-time too. It was difficult to even find time to see each other and when we did we often wouldn’t have sex at all, initially because we were both very tired. However, after a while, sex just became less and less significant to me as we weren’t doing it much.

I am 21 and he's 23 years old. We talked about it several times but it always ended up in arguments and we never resolved anything.

He felt like I didn’t fancy him anymore, which is not the case at all. I had simply forgotten what it was like to feel sexy. He gets a lot of attention from other girls and although I know he loves me, it did start to make me paranoid that he would look for sex elsewhere and lose interest in me.

After about a year, I decided to try out a female libido enhancer. I’d read about them in magazines so decided to give it a go. I am keen on taking herbal supplements and I have started using a product called Fembido, it’s completely natural and you just take a couple of tablets before sex. I’ve really noticed that my interest in sex has increased; I start to feel an increased desire very soon after taking the tablets.

We’ve also become much better at communicating when it comes to sex. We talk much more openly about what we like as it’s so easy to get stuck in a rut when you’ve been with someone for a long time."

Why Customers love Fembido?

"My wife has used this three times after a long period of reducing libido. On each occasion after about 45 minutes she says she starts to feel relaxed and responsive, we start with cuddles and caresses which quickly become more passionate, and on 2/3 led to big orgasms for her - so far I would highly recommend this as a libido enhancer. Thank-you chemistdirect for taking us back to the early days of our relationship!"

- Happyhubby

"I read about a new pill called Fembido which helps with female libido so I decided to give it a shot. After taking the pill, I definitely felt an increased desire to have sex and it was much easier to orgasm. It has made such a difference to me and my partner, not only are we happier as a couple but I feel much less stressed and happier in myself."

- Tiffany

"I have been with my boyfriend for two years, he is a very caring and loving person, and we are really happy together. The only thing I was unhappy about was our sex life as it had died down to once a month, or less. I decided to try out a female libido enhancer. I'd read about them in magazines so decided to give it a go. I am keen on taking herbal supplements and I have started using a product called Fembido, it's completely natural and you just take a couple of tablets before sex. I've really noticed that my interest in sex has increased; I start to feel an increased desire very soon after taking the tablets."

- Sarah

"My partner and I had been together for seven years when I started to experience low libido. I heard about a new pill called Fembido so I thought I would give it a go and thankfully our sex life gradually started to pick up."

- Jo

"Fembido has worked wonders for me not just in terms of increasing my desire for sex but more importantly it is made my relationship with my partner so much better we've become much better at communicating when it comes to sex. We talk much more openly about what we like as it's so easy to get stuck in a rut when you've been with someone for a long time."

- Lisa