What is Sambucol?

Sambucol is a food supplement that is made of black elderberries. Not only does it taste delicious, it also contains naturally occurring flavonoids and is packed with vitamins C and Zinc were are known for building the immune system. Sambucol is also rich in antioxidants that strengthen the immune system by helping neutralise the harmful effects of free radicals. Elderberries have twice the natural antioxidant capacity of blueberries and have have more than 50% of the overall antioxidant capacity of cranberries.

Developed and recommended by experts.

Sambucol was first developed in 1991 and is trusted by healthcare experts worldwide as a great way to give the immune system support. It is the result of nearly 20 years of research and is the most researched elderberry product in the world. Sambucol is developed by world renowned scientists who have recognised the potential of black elderberry flavonoids.

Retains the goodness of natural elderberries

Sambucol is made from whole blackberries and each 120ml bottle is the equivalent of up to 1000 black elderberries. Elderberries used in Sambucol are carefully chosen to ensure they are the best quality. During preparation the berries are preserved in such a way to protect their naturally occurring health benefits. Flavonoid activity is preserved through a unique manufacturing process.

Elderberries contained in Sambucol products provide the body with organic pigments, tannin, amino acids, carotenoids, flavonoids, sugar, rutin, viburnic acid, vitamin A and B, and a large amount of vitamin C. Elderberries also act as a mild laxative, a diuretic, and diaphoretic.