Recent Studies

Red Grape linked to a reduction in both blood pressure and cholesterol levels

The skin of the Red Grape has been linked to a reduction in the incidence of cardiovascular disease. Scientific studies show that both blood pressure and cholesterol levels decreased significantly in participants of the study. This is why ResverMax™ has been developed.

ResverMax™ contains 100% natural ingredients making it one of the most powerful natural resveratrol extracts on the market today!! Resveratrol lives in the skin of the red grape, the fruit used to make red wine and now "it seems the bits of the grape thrown away to make the tipple could be even healthier" Daily mail 2008. This new super-fruit is an amazing antioxidant that may help reduce the incidence of cardiovascular disease. ResverMax™ is one of the most powerful, high quality resveratrol supplements in the UK market today. A daily supplement of resveratrol could help to decrease both your cholesterol levels and your blood pressure.

"Red grapes are more than just the source for the world’s finest wine - the fruits themselves are a wonder cure against heart attacks, according to new research" Daily Mail 2008.

The Studies

The journal Nutrition published a study by researchers from Complutense University of Madrid, Spain which produced an extract called Grape Antioxidant Dietary Fibre (GADF) from the seeds and skin of red grapes. For 16 weeks, researchers added the GADF extract to the meals of 34 non-smoking adults.

By the end of the study, the blood pressure of those taking part in the study, who had taken the GADF extract, had lowered by as much as 5%, while their total cholesterol levels had lowered by up to 14%. Levels of LDL ("bad") cholesterol had also decreased considerably. The GADF extract also seemed to improve participants' lipid profile (a measure of heart disease risk based on a variety of cardiovascular tests).

Amongst the 13 participants with high cholesterol, the cholesterol decreases were even more remarkable. High cholesterol patients who took GADF extract underwent a 14.2% reduction in total cholesterol and an 11.6% decrease in LDL levels.

Such cardiovascular benefits were not seen in nine control participants, whose diet was not supplemented with GADF extract.

Researcher Jara Perez Jimenez said "GADF showed significant reducing effects in lipid profile and blood pressure – The effects appear to be higher than the ones caused by other dietary fibres, such as oat fibre or psyllium, probably due to the combined effect of dietary fibre and antioxidants."

"Most other superfoods for the heart, like the plant extract psyllium or healthy oats for instance, are usually good for either fibre or antioxidants rather than both together" Daily Mail, 2008. GADF extract, on the other hand, contains high levels of both. A single 7.5g supplement taken daily, Perez Jimenez said, could increase the average dietary fibre intake of the Western diet 5-10 grams over its current average of 20 grams per day.

"Further research on the relative contributions of fibres and flavonoids to prevent cardiovascular disease is needed," Perez Jimenez said.

Cardiovascular disease is one of the biggest killers in the Western world. Researchers of this study claimed that a GADF supplement could be successfully used to reduce high blood pressure and cholesterol levels in heart patients.