Spots: The Real Truth
Freederm presents an entire range of skincare products that are especially for spot-prone skin. If truth be told, most of us just don't have the time or the patience to deal with acne and blemish problems. That's why Freederm is here to help. With the latest developments in Freederm skin care treatments and remedies, it's not all that hard to bid farewell to blemishes, acne, and spots. Freederm specialises in skincare and has a range of natural skin care products that help to treat dry and sensitive skin, eczema, psoriasis and acne and other skin-related issues. Skincare products by Freederm help give safe, natural, and effective solutions for problem-free skin. Sounds too good to be true?
By now you might be wondering: Does Freederm Work? And if so, Does Freederm Work for everybody? In order to answer your questions, check out the following benefits of Freederm products.
Why have I got spots?
Spots are caused by the over-activity of the glands in the skin that are responsible for the production of oil (sebum). That’s why you normally get spots and blackheads in areas where there are the most of these glands, like on your face, back, chest and shoulders. When there is an excess of sebum, skin pores can get blocked and inflamed – the result is red swollen spots that are often tender.
This over-activity of the oil glands is usually caused by sex hormone changes during puberty.
What can I do about my spots?
There are lots of treatments available for dealing with spots.
With the choice of treatments available now, there’s no need to give up or feel you have to live with spots. If you’ve tried something and it hasn’t helped, just try a different product! It's tempting, but try not to expect miracles overnight - you need to give your skin's repair process a chance to work.
Freederm gel is different from other spot treatments. It’s the only one of its kind with an anti-inflammatory that’s clinically proven to help get rid of inflamed red spots.
Myth vs Fact
Unfortunately, spots come with lots of myths. Some of the information you hear about spots and acne just isn’t true. Here, Freederm sorts out some of the facts for you.
Don’t forget, if you have any more questions about spots, your pharmacist can also help.
Myth? Acne is contagious
Fact: You can't 'catch' spots from someone else.
Myth? Only teenagers get acne
Fact: While the peak for acne is between the ages of 14 and 17, it can remain a problem well into adulthood.
Myth? Eating sweets, chocolate and fatty foods give you spots
Fact: It doesn’t. Obviously, it’s important to have a healthy diet for lots of other reasons, but avoiding spots is not one of them.
Myth? Stress makes spots worse
Fact: Stress can cause your body to produce more hormones which stimulate the production of skin oils, and this can lead to more spots.
Myth? Taking the contraceptive pill clears up spots
Fact: Some girls find that the contraceptive pill clears up their skin. Others find that some contraceptive pills – particularly progestogen-only types – can make things worse. If you find this happens, please see your doctor.
Question and Answer
Your common questions about spots – answered.
First, the big question: to squeeze or not to squeeze?
These are the official rules!
Don't squeeze: Don't touch angry red spots - you'll force the bacteria deeper into the skin, and the spot will become even angrier and redder. Don't squeeze white raised lumps.
Squeeze: A spot with a yellow top is OK for squeezing. Blackheads can also be squeezed. Make sure you wash your hands first and put a tissue over your finger to catch the contents. Squeeze gently and don’t use nails – they’ll damage the skin. Stop if nothing is happening; when you see clear fluid rather than pus; or if you see blood. After squeezing, dab the spot with antiseptic or tea tree oil. Now leave well alone. Wash hands again.
What's the difference between spots and acne?
Acne is the medical name for all spots - doctors refer to all spots as acne, whether you have 2 or 200.
Does sweating affect acne?
Yes. Up to 15% of sufferers find their acne flares up when they have been sweating a lot. This is probably because of water swelling and blocking the partial hair duct, and causing inflammation.
Can clothes affect spots?
Continual pressure from headbands, tight bra straps and collars can cause spots in those areas of skin. Nobody’s quite sure why, but it could be because of sweat being concentrated in those areas.
Why do I get spots around the time of my period?
Women often experience spots during their menstrual cycle; this is because of hormones stimulating oil production.