Powerful Teamwork: Lecithin & Choline
One of the two compounds that make up lecithin is choline, which naturally occurs in the cell membranes of living cells. It is a naturally occurring substance that is often grouped with B-complex vitamins and is known for its many benefits to health. As lecithin and choline work together, they are able to maintain brain health, aid weight loss, maintain liver and kidney function and keep the body in all-round general health.
Brain health:
Studies have shown that choline has a direct effect on the brain's ability to produce neurotransmitters that are necessary for good emotional and mental health. A daily intake of this fatty acid can maintain balanced mood by preventing depression, anxiety and manic disorders. It can also play a role in dealing with various types of phobias. In addition to this, choline can also help to make the brain aware of hunger as well as fullness.
Fat break-down
Choline and lecithin work together to break down fats, which results in many different health benefits. It can prevent the build-up of bad cholesterol in the bloodstream, which can reduce high blood pressure and reduce the risk of developing heart problems.
Liver and kidney function:
Choline is particularly important for the function of the liver. Not only does it help to remove toxins and waste in the liver, but it also prevents the accumulation of fat. It is also known to promote healthy kidney function, in order to minimise the chances of constipation and diarrhoea. An adequate intake of choline will keep the liver and kidneys healthy and reduce the risks of developing problems.
Our supply of choline needs to be replenished daily due to the fact that prolonged physical activity can use up choline reserves. It can be gained from eating foods that contain lecithin, however if you find that your diet is low in lecithin-rich foods, then a lecithin supplement is an ideal way to gain a regular amount of choline in order to receive all of its benefits.