Facts About Perspirex Perspiration Treatment

We have approximately 1.6 – 4 million sweat glands dispersed all over the body. The density is higher under the arms, in the palms of the hands and soles of the feet than other places on the body.

Perspiration is a watery solution, in itself completely odourless. Despite this we often experience that perspiration has an unpleasant smell. The odour is caused by bacteria on the surface of the skin when they break down (metabolising) the components of the perspiration.

We have two types of sweat glands: the eccrine sweat glands which are particularly found on the palms of the hands and soles of the feet and the apocrine sweat glands, which are mostly present in the armpits.

30% of the broad population on a weekly basis sweat to an extent that is it is of discomfort to them. Among these, corrective behaviour actions are common e.g. carrying an antiperspirant with them throughout the day and avoid lifting their arms and not wearing certain types of fabrics

Excessive Perspiration

Excessive sweating can range from moderate moisture to severe dripping resulting in large wet stains on the shirt, blouse and jacket, damp and smelly feet and shoes, or it could be clammy or wet hands.

The term hyperhidrosis is used when excessive perspiration can be defined as being beyond what would be expected given the local environment and what is physiologically required by the body. The perspiration is typically localised to both underarms, palms, soles of feet, face and other areas. It is also characteristic that the perspiration abates during sleep.

The fear of being discovered and experiencing the embarrassment of social exclusion can be very stressful. The uncertainty of “do I smell?” or “does it show?” is a key theme. The everyday life can be restricted; avoid wearing certain clothes, wash during the day, apply antiperspirant several times a day and other daily routines where you have to spend time worring if the wetness problem is obvious to others.

Deodorants versus Antiperspirants

Often the terms deodorants and antiperspirants are used interchangeably, but there is in fact a significant difference between the two:


Deodorants do not stop sweat. They work by temporarily neutralise the smell from the bacteria living on the skin in the armpits. Many deodorants contain fragrance which only mask bad odour.


Antiperspirants decrease or halt the production of perspiration in the sweat glands. Basically, a temporary plug is formed in the opening of the sweat gland.

The plug is naturally dispelled within a few days. The duration of the effect varies from a few hours to several days.

The active ingredient in antiperspirants is usually aluminum salts. Aluminum chloride has been used to combat excessive perspiration since the beginning of the 1900s. For the first many years aluminum salts in a water solution was used. Later, an alcohol solution, which has considerably more long term effect, was introduced.

Excessive Sweating Treatment

Today a number of different treatment methods are available for excessive sweating.


Antiperspirants are the most common form of treatment for people who suffer from excessive sweating. They decrease the production of perspiration in the sweat glands. The duration of effect depends on the efficacy of the product.


Iontoforesis is a process where an ion current is run through the hands and feet, immersed in a bowl of water. The effect of reduced perspiration is most likely caused by the fact that the channels of the sweat glands become clogged with keratin during the treatment. The treatment needs to be repeated with regular intervals.


Botox (Botulinum toxin A) temporarily blocks the chemical signals from the nerves that stimulates the sweat glands. The effect normally lasts several months.


Surgical removal of the sweat glands is only performed in very severe cases. It is usually performed in the armpits, but also severe hand and foot perspiration can be stopped surgically.

20% of persons who sweat excessively have more than 5 corrective behaviours like carry an antiperspirant or deodorant to reapply during the day, avoid raising their arms or avoid wearing certain fabrics to prevent and cover up for wet stains on the clothes.

How Perspirex is effective against excessive sweating

The reason other antiperspirants are sweating (and you wont be):

  • 1. Perspirex works so effectively thanks to its alcoholbased, aluminium chloride and lactate solution.
  • 2. This reacts with the water in your sweat gland forming a kind of plug that seals the sweat glands temporarily halting sweat production. And unlike water-based antiperspirants that quickly cease to be effective, the Perspirex formulation ensures it keeps on working.
  • 4. The plug is naturally dispelled over the course of a few days with the natural shedding of dead skin cells