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Femmecup Testimonials

“I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE my Femmecup and can't believe it took me so long to actually purchase and try a menstrual cup!! The first month took some practice with the ease of inserting and removing the cup, but by my third cycle with the menstrual cup, I was completely comfortable with using and cleaning the cup. And completely in love! The fact that I can leave the cup in for so much longer than a tampon is a big bonus. I could spend the whole day outdoors, hiking, swimming, etc. and not have to worry about changing a tampon. Because I live in a very small town in the deserts of Sinai ( Egypt ), access to tampons was limited - and expensive as all products were imported. The Femmecup has saved me loads of money already! But my favorite thing about the Femmecup is the lack of trash. That is vitally important to me as I live in a village/town that suffers from lack of proper sanitation and garbage disposal. Knowing that I am not adding to our growing pile of refuse makes me very happy. "

“Dear Team, Your product was recommended to me by a very good friend and I just have to tell you how great it is. It took a couple of tries to get used to it, but its so simple. No more worries each month. Great for sports and holidays. This really is a fantastic product. I've been using it for nearly two years now and it's the best thing I've spent money on in a very long time. Thank you."

“I wanted to write to thank you for your amazing product. In January 2009 my period changed and became very heavy and unpredictable. Ordinary pads and tampons couldn't cope and my lifestyle was being affected. This was particularly upsetting as I had a great deal of travel planned - including four months of camping through Africa where toilet facilities would be highly varied. I was heartbroken: faced with the thought that I wouldn't be able to take the trip of a lifetime, something that I'd worked so hard for, just because of my period. Discussing it frankly with my mother I jokingly told her I wished there was some sort of "plug" I could use so I could get on with my life. Days later she saw an ad for Femmecup in a magazine and called me immediately. I was sceptical at first but I was also willing to try anything. The testimonials on the website told of women just like me who had had their doubts but had proceeded for whatever reason and were so glad they did. The speedy delivery was incredibly impressive (from the UK to my home in New Zealand in three days - I'm not even sure how that's possible). It took me a bit of practise to perfect the insertion but I'm so happy with it now.My favourite thing about Femmecup is the comfortable clean feeling - no more leaks or spots, no going to the bathroom during the day to check on tampons. No tampon that's inserted 'not quite right' making its presence felt. No waking up worrying what state my pyjamas were in. Welcome back to clean white underwear. During the day I often completely forget I have my period. Financially it is obviously amazing: I haven't bought a feminine hygiene product in over a year. Environmentally it is wonderful. No more having to dispose of bundles of used pads or trying to flush tampons. Happily I was able to do - and enjoy - my Africa trip. Sleeping in tents in the Serengeti, listening to hyenas outside and knowing that my Femmecup was quietly doing its job. Stopping by the roadside in Botswana to quickly pee behind a bush and knowing that I needn't deal with my period until getting to camp at night. White water rafting the Nile in Uganda, being constantly in and out of the water with no fear of a soggy pad floating away from me. Menstrual cups like the Femmecup are the future for women everywhere. I am working on converting my friends: so far two have joined me and we can laugh at the others still doing things the old-fashioned way. To those who say "it sounds weird" I say "is it really any weirder than a tampon, if you think about it?" If you're thinking about it, try it. It will change the way you feel about your period.Thank you Femmecup for your simple, amazing, wonderful little product. I'm not sure you will every know how much I appreciate it. "

“I got my Femmecup a few weeks ago and started using it a few days ago...I don't even know where to start...I can't believe I haven't heard about it before, I wasted so many sanitary pads and tampons in the last 15 years... I read about it in an article, that's why I bought it, but apart from that I haven't heard about it at all.You should advertise it more, it's such a breakthrough product that every woman should know about it. I'm quite environmentally orientated and this is one of the reasons why I love this product. Also I can't believe the feeling, I can't feel it when it's inside me, even with the full length stem, the only thing is that you can easily forget about it ;) No more going to the toilet to check on my pad/tampon, I can wear it all day at work and then take it out when I came back from work. It will make my life sooo much easier....and more eco friendly, and cheaper. A BIG BIG THANK YOU "

“I love my Femmecup! It's my first menstrual cup, and I feel liberated. I read a book about making green choices, and it gave a figure about how much 'sanitary' waste the average woman produces in her lifetime. So I had a picture in my head of the pile of used pads and tampons that I would use in my lifetime, and beside that pile, one little menstrual cup. It wasn't difficult to decide which scenario I preferred. That book recommended a forum about menstrual cups that I have referred to over and over again: That's where I figured out that Femmecup would be the best cup for me. That's where I learned about the myriad of folds that can be used for insertion. That's where I learned about how to trim the stem. That's where I turned for help when I thought the cup was irrevocably married to my cervix. If it weren't for the encouragement from the forum, I would have concluded that using a menstrual cup wasn't right for me. I think every new Femmecup user should know about that forum. Now that I'm comfortable with the cup, I love the freedom from pads and tampons. I no longer need to carry around a kit of sanitary supplies. No more itching or chafing from pads. No more trips to the bathroom to check if my tampon is leaking. No more sleeping in an uncomfortable position so the pad won't leak. No more feelings of dribbling. No more standing in line at the drugstore with my conspicuous armful of feminine products. I will never go back. Thanks for changing my life for the better! "

“I thought I would add to your many testimonials. I have used the femmecup for just over a year now. One of my best buys to date. It has been a godsend on long trips. It is brilliant for cycling, I've recently done a 3 week cycle tour in Central America and the femmecup made my life so much easier. I didn't have to worry about my period stuck out in the middle of nowhere with no toilet facilities for a start! Makes going out for the evening trouble free as well (and if you use your partner as a walking handbag like I do, it saves them the trauma of carrying questionable female items in their jacket pockets!) It is very easy to use and clean. All women should invest in one! "

“I absolutely love it (Femmecup)! The size is so much better for me than my Diva. It is easy to place, comfortable, and lets me practically forget out by period, just empty and clean twice a day - so easy! I've been using a cup for about a year and a half now, and one thing I've learned, that I haven't seen addressed anywhere, is that if listen to my intuition and put the cup in when I think of it (meaning I don't think of it at all all month and then I'll wake up one morning and it will just pop into my mind) I end up inserting it just BEFORE my period (up to twelve hours prior) and I no longer have to deal with "leaking". Realizing that the leaking I do experience is menstrual fluid that is already in my vagina before placing the cup, if I place it after my period has already started. Thank you for a fabulous product! "

“I have just started to use my Femmecup today and already I notice the difference between this and the use of tampons and towels. For the first couple of days of my period, I am really heavy and with even the highest absorbency of tampons it last an hour before I need to head to the toilet. I think this product is fantastic as I have not leaked once with it so far and I think this should be more widely advertised. I picked up a leaflet in the GP surgery that I work in and didn't know anything about it till then. I want to shout it from the roof tops, no more tampons or towels, how great is that? I will be spreading the word on how great the Femmecup is."

“I purchased a Femmecup after I misplaced my Diva Cup. I had used it for over a year after the birth of my first child, and while I preferred it to disposable products, I felt that there had to be a better fit for me in the world of menstrual cups. I always felt that the Diva Cup was far too long for my body, and even after I cut the entire stem off of it, it still caused me occasional pain when I sat down. After looking at online comparisons of the shapes of the various menstrual cups, I settled on the Femmecup. It looked as if it was much shorter than the Diva Cup, and I hoped that this combined with the hollow stem might enable me to leave some of the stem on the cup this time, instead of having to trim all of it off. Unfortunately I still had to trim all of the stem off for comfort, but the rings around the base of the Femmecup make it easy to retrieve even without the stem. I REALLY like the large holes on the side, because I don't have to do any extra work to clean them----they just rinse right out (unlike the Diva Cup). I also like the rigidity of the top of the cup---it really pops right open, and I don't have to try several times like I did with the Diva Cup. The only thing that is causing me trouble is that I find that I have to empty it much more often than the Diva Cup. This is clearly due to the smaller size, which is something I sought in a new cup. I find that the whole cup starts to slide out if it is getting full, which is a bit alarming! This isn't a cup defect, of course, it is just the way it is. Overall I am terribly satisfied with the Femmecup! I am so pleased that there is a wide variety of shapes and sizes out there so that a woman has a good chance of finding one that suits her body. As an aside, I was really surprised at the speed of shipping all of the way to the west coast of the USA! I think I received it in no more than 4 business days from the time I ordered it!"

“I am loving my Femmecup-- it's taken a bit of practice to get it 100% leak free, but I'm a huge fan. I would definitely love to be a part of educating other women about using Femmecup. I support it personally for ecological, economic and health reasons--I have a hard time understanding why anyone who owns a uterus wouldn't want one, despite it being something that I have to be comfortable with my own body to use. I think that menstrual cups are something that should be spoken about much more frequently, pretty much everywhere in the world. I believe it to be a far superior option to disposable feminine products."

“On the whole I have found it brilliant, love the fact you don't have to worry all day. Did have a little leakage on a couple of heavy days, but think that may be down to the Femmecup not being quite in the correct position. Will definitely continue using it."

“Hello! I have used my femmecup now for about three months and I really love it, it's totally different to tampons as you don't get the dry feeling, there is no rubbish, I hate having to throw used sanitary items in the bin, it just seems so dirty, it's all flushed away and you don't have to think about it. The femmecup is much more comfortable when compared to tampons, I did cut the whole stalk off mine and don't have any problems getting it in or out. I also find I get no period pain now either, I am lucky in that I didn't have a great deal before but since using the femmecup it has totally eliminated the pain. I have recommended it to friends and they are slightly sceptical but they do keep asking me about it so I think they'll come round in the end! It's great not having to worry about buying tampons/towels in store any more either as I always ended up going to the young guy who would look embarrassed as he beeped through my items! I just sterilise it once a month when I'm finished and find that's enough. I find exercising like bike riding and swimming much more enjoyable now as I'm not worried about it falling out or anything! "

“I LOVE the fact that I am no longer getting rid of dozens of tampons and pantliners into landfill every month, and no longer having to spend all that money on them. I LOVE the fact that I can go to work all day and come home again without having to change. I LOVE the fact that because of no toxic shock or fibres left behind I don't need to worry about is it too early to put it in, or too late to leave it in, and have to use pantliners. I've been telling family, friends and work colleagues about it!! Most people have never heard of it and I can't understand why it isn't promoted more heavily in the mainstream media - everyone should have one! "

"I have used menstrual cups now for a couple of years and cannot believe these are not more widely publicised. Femmecup is very reasonably priced especially as I bought the pack of two at a special deal online - I am thrilled with mine!"

“I love my Femmecup and I feel so liberated from the use of pads/tampons. I had tried the Diva Cup before using your product and felt that it sat to high inside of me and I had a great deal of difficulty removing it. The Femmecup on the other hand is longer, with a longer tip as well, which helps removal a great deal. It's comfortable and I don't have issues with leakage either.Thank you for producing such a great product! "

“I think it is a great product and have brought one for my teenage daughter as she started University - she hated the idea but does use it as it saves her lots of money. I also promote it when covering recycling and re-usable nappies in my work. I find that people under 30 have very negative reactions to the idea - whereas older people are more open to investigating. As a company I think you need to spend more time working on the younger age group especially the 17 - 30 year olds - maybe through magazine / internet advertising. Also targeting HE/FE students would be a good idea as it would save them money in the long term and be environmentally friendly."

Its a great product. Really glad that I have it. "

“Really good. Took me a couple of months to work out how to put it in so it didn't leak at night, but apart from that, I love it."

“I have really enjoyed using my femmecup, the first couple of times it felt strange as I had been using tampax nearly all my life. I wish some body would have told me sooner, I am 50 next month so hopefully I should be stopping soon, but I have found it great, when I used the tampax I used to have to carry a box of mixed sizes around and was always frightened of leaking, but it is not like this with the femmecup. I have just been away it was so easy to use, no sanitary bags to find or fill or dispose of. I felt comfortable using it like I had been doing it all my life. I LOVE IT and have recommend it to my friends."

“Thank you for your email. I have used my Femmecup for several months now and I have found it absolutely brilliant. I have recently had a Mirena coil fitted and I have found the Femmecup has relieved alot of the discomfort I have had whilst "getting used to the coil". Its really convenient and economical. I used to have very heavy periods and would go through sanitary products quite quickly. Now I dont have to buy pads and tampons of different absorbencies. Another great advantage is that the Femmecup is Enviro-friendly. I would recommend it to anyone."

“Femmecup is great! Very comfortable and easy to use, I've worn it whilst swimming and running with no problems whatsoever. I can't see me going back to tampons with all their disposal and environmental issues. I wish I'd known about Femmecup years ago."

“I already had a Mooncup& I bought the Femmecup so that I had a 'spare'! I keep one at home in the bathroom drawers, & one in my handbag - that way, I never get caught out. I prefer to use this form of sanitary protection as I have very heavy periods - apparently, I should lose approx 90ml pf blood per period.... yeah right! I can lose that amount on day 2 alone! The beauty of using the cups are certainly reflected in the money that I've saved over the last 2 years - I wouldn't be without one now, that's for sure! No more leaks (well, not as much as before) I still leak at night occasionally, but nothing like it used to be. I've even got the hang of using public loos with them too! In the past, when I had a period, everyone in the house knew because of constant loo visits & changing trousers - my hubby asked if I was ok the other week, as he couldn't remember the last time I had a period! I think he thought I might have been pregnant at 47 - Horror!!! My 18 yr old daughter suffers from erratic periods & her long suffering boyfriend was constantly being sent to the shops for tampax - she bought a Femmecup (although I paid!) and she loves it! (I think her boyfriend loves it too - no more embarrassing trips to the shop!) I've raved about the use of menstrual cups on various forums & I hope that I've helped to convert a few other women too!"

“I love my Femmecup- best purchase I have made in a long time - No messy strings - No leaks - No worries - I love it!"

“It's great (Femmecup)! Saves money and feels cleaner more hygenic. Plus I don't forget to put it in my bag before I go out and I don't need to take spares with me everywhere. It takes a little while to get used to it but now I know how to use it properly I wouldn't ever go back to tampons. I recommended it to my sisters and they think it's much better as well."

“I love my femmecup-it is the best purchase I have made! I am sure it has already saved me a fortune in the cost of tampons and I am big on recycling and trying not to cause waste so I am really happy to not using tampons any more! I find it amazing that I cannot even feel it and it doesn't drop down like tampons do, and that I don't have to worry about it all day long!!! I can go anywhere and do anything without worrying about having tampons in my bag or pocket, and where to dispose of them. I LOVE MY FEMMECUP! "

“Femmecup is just brilliant and I wish I'd discovered it years ago - I'm heading for the big M but even so it so easy to be prepared for irregular periods. Apart from the convenience of not using masses of tampons on heavy days I've found the usual stomach cramps have all but disappeared. I've told many friends who are equally impressed"

“I've had my Femmecup for a few months and am getting on really well with it. It's comfortable, easy to use and saves you money. I've told a few friends about it and seem keen to try it out. I've got my money back already!! "

“I used my Femmecup for the first time this month. Every woman should have one of these!!! I thought I'd try the Femmecup as I am gradually changing my life to reduce my impact on the environment. I really wanted to share how impressed I was with it, I wish I'd known about it years ago not just for the environmental reasons. When girls have the lessons in school these should be shown as well as towels and tampons. It is far less painful than using tampons, there is no chance of leakage - swimming, going to the gym and cycling I cannot believe the difference!!! As there is no string there is nothing to cause irritation. I feel far healthier and there is no smell like I used to get with tampons. It is also easier to re-insert as it does not draw all the other fluids out. I will never use any disposable products again and will encourage all my girlfriends to make the change too. "

“I LOVE my Femmecup. I have been using it now for almost five months. I took it on honeymoon and it was fantastic as I could swim with it comfortably and it meant I didn't waste any space packing tampons and pads. It is SO comfortable and I am telling everyone how great and economical it is. It takes a little getting used to, but once you have mastered it (took me four goes to be able to do it easily) it is the most fantastic solution to having a period. Well done Femmecup! "

“In the beginning the Femmecup was a little tricky to figure out, i.e., I experienced some leaking and slight discomfort. By the 3rd month it was perfect! I am enjoying it very much. It is more economical than pads / tampons and more environmentally friendly! I have suggested it to many of my friends."

“I simply love Femmecup :) It made my life really easier!"

“This is the third menstrual cup that I've owned. Previously, I had a Keeper and a Diva. I definitely prefer the Femmecup. All three are comfortable once inserted and are extremely convenient, but the Femmecup wins hands down, because it's so much easier to insert. It actually pops open without a huge headache of finagaling."

“I just love Femmecup! It's perfect and I can't imagine using tampons anymore. I even swam with my Cup. I had no problems with putting it in or out (and stories from other girls really scared me :)). Most of all I like my Cup because I can have it in my body more than 6 - 8 hours and also I can take it out even 5 minutes after I put it in. I immediately cut this little "tail" at the bottom because it was useless for me."

“I am very happy with my Femmecup! I did cut the stem totally off because it rubbed uncomfortably, but otherwise I am completely satisfied - no leaking, it's comfortable and effective and I love that I can wash and re-use it. I'll never go back to disposable products again!"

“I was a little unsure about the femmecup before I ordered it, having never really got on with using tampons, but really liked that it was environmentally friendly as I hated having to keep throwing away loads of pads that would just end up on a rubbish dump or worse end up in our waters. However, I've been really impressed with it and now find it easy to insert and remove (this felt a bit awkward at first) and can pretty much forget I'm on my bleed as it feels really comfortable and can be left in for long periods of time."

“Femmecup has changed my life! haven't used anything else and haven't looked back. My cramps even seem to be better - don't know how much of this is psychological...but don't care, as long as there's less pain!!"

“It is fantastic so convenient.. Wish I had bought one years ago."

“Hi I'm very happy with my femmecup, it's the best! Because there's not drops and it fits well inside, so it feels like if you didn't have your period. Great for swiming, doing sports, etc. The best is that you save loads of money (you never buy again sanitary towels and/or tampons) and in this way you reduce the amount of rubbish in your bin, which is of great help for the environment. I recommend femmecup to all women."

“now I've tried it (Femmecup) I wouldn't be without it! It took a month or two to get used to it - and I still sometimes have to fiddle a little to get it in (!) but when my period started unexpectedly and I was without it until i got home - i felt as though my right arm was missing! It really is a major breakthrough in enabling me to get on with a very busy job and I'm encouraging all my girlfriends to give it a go."

“Just wanted to say what a great product you have. I just can't understand why it isn't marketed more aggressively. Every woman should know about this alternative as it makes tampons look like some torturous Victorian relic."

“I'm trying to encourage all the women I know to give them a go! It took a few periods to really get used to insertion/removal, but now I have it sussed. I love the fact that I can pop it in before work and not have to empty it until I get home. The main reason I decided to try Femmecup was to lessen my impact on the environment. There's a hell of a lot of sanitary protection to get through in a life time if you're not careful!"

“Prior to buying a femmecup I used lilets super for the first few days, and then lilets regular until the end of my period. A pack of 16 super would last me for 2 periods when used in conjunction with a similar sized pack of regular. I'm sure that financially my femmecup has already paid for itself. I haven't yet been swimming during a period , but I feel confident that I will not have a problem. I occasionally found that my tampons would absorb water and would need changing as soon as I finished swimming - I guess that that is largely due to 4 children, loss of muscle tone, and a need to do more pelvic floor exercises. On the much more positive side, the debilitating backache that used to accompany all my periods has disappeared, so I'm also now saving money because I no longer need a pack of paracetamol every month, not to mention several hot water bottles for the first few days. I like the bag, it makes it easy for me to have the femmecup with me in my handbag, and is less obvious than tampons or towels. Cleaning the cup and using it in public toilets has not been a problem. Largely due, I think, to the useful advice in your website. Overall, I'm pleased with my femmecup. I purchased it to save money in the long term, but also because I had concerns about TSS and all the bleaching chemicals that are used in tampons. I have resented paying VAT on menstrual products since I was 13, but was not aware that there was an alternative to tampons and towels until recently.”

"I must say I was a little sceptical when I bought my femmecup from your stand at the Clothes show but I am a real convert! I was expecting to find it tricky to insert but it's so easy! I cut the stalk bit off the bottom for comfort and can honestly say I have never had a leak or any discomfort. As a GP, I have good knowledge of female anatomy which may have given me a slight advantage but I'm sure any woman could manage this cup with a little practice. I have recommended it to many of my friends and just bought one for my 2 sisters. I find it far more effective and comfortable than tampons and the environmental benefits help ease my conscience in our 'throw away' culture."

"Getting on really well with the Femmecup. It arrived just hours before my period; so was able to use it straight away! Wish I had had one years ago, it is the best purchase I have made in a while."

"I really love the femmecup, it makes my period so much less hassle. I don't have to worry about having piles of pads etc with me. It is especially good for me as i am traveling back and forth from unit it is one less thing to pack. I imagine it will also be good for this reason when going on holiday. I would say my two favourite points about it are that it can stay in place for up to 12 hours and that it can be worn over night (i always hated wearing pads at night and leaks were a major problem). Overall though i think it is a great product. I bought it for its environmental benefit and have been stunned with how easy it is to use and how easy it makes my period!"

“It's fantastic never having to worry if I've got tampons/ST's in stock!... and what a saving!”

“ Wow! I have had my Femmecup for two months now and I am so happy with it, my period has totally changed, it is stress free, no soggy strings, my cramps are lighter and no leaks at all, my only regret is that I didn't get one sooner!”

“Femmecup has revolutionised female sanitation. I am no longer restricted by the need to always carry tampons or prevented from doing activities such as swimming or hiking during menstruation. It has saved me a lot of money and at the same time is helping the environment. I would recommend Femmecup to any woman!"

“Why I love my Femmecup? It's very clean - I have very heavy periods I always worry about leaks but had no leaks when using the Femmecup. It is really comfortable I couldn't even feel I had it in. I keep it with me at all times (when going on holiday last year I had to take loads of sanitary towels and tampons with me but NOT this year I'll just be taking my Femmecup which fits discreetly in my handbag! And it saves me loads of money each month! I couldn't go back to towels & tampons now.”

"Thank you for opening my eyes to a whole new way of dealing with my periods. The Femmecup is a totally great. The first month I had it I was nervous as I didn't know what to expect but it was easy to use, had no leaks at all and I could actually forget about it whilst I got on with my working day, what a bonus that is. Will be recommending to all my girlfriends."

"I just wanted to say I'm so happy I went to the Clothes Show Live in December 07, because I bought my Femmecup. I'm always willing to try anything and particularly as this small device would lessen cramps, save me money and help the environment. For the last 2.5 years I have suffered from severe cramps (a fact of getting older I'm told) and took very strong painkillers for 1-2 days each month. WOW, I am now using my Femmecup for the second time and NO painkillers yet again! No leaks either and far less mess and hassle than using towels and tampons. I am spreading the word."

"Thanks for my order, I got this Femmecup for my sister. I bought one from the clothes show last year for myself. I have to admit, it`s not what I thought I’d buy from there!! It`s brilliant and I wouldn't want to have to have another period without it!! Thanks."

"This is my first full month with the Femmecup and I think it is fab. Although I was a dedicated tampon user recently I found them very drying, and so remembered coming across menstrual cups some time ago. As my husband said this morning "what is the downside if they are more comfortable, less wastage and cheaper in the long run?"