Is my Child Teething?


Teething is when your baby begins developing their first teeth and a key milestone in your child’s growth. As these teeth push through the gums, they cut their way through. This can also be very difficult and trying time for the whole family, especially new parents. Teething can be uncomfortable for your child and cause them significant distress. This can lead to sleepless nights for the newborn and mum and dad.

At Chemist Direct, we understand how difficult teething can be for babies and new parents. In this article, we’ll look at all aspects of teething and how you can care for your child through this period in their lives.

When do Babies Start Teething?

Most babies start teething when they are around 4 to 7 months old. However, this is not an exact timeframe and not all babies are the same. It is possible for baby teeth to come in earlier or later.

Though very rare, it is not out of the realms of possibility for your child to begin teething at 2 months old.

What are the Signs of Teething?

As there is no exact time period of when teething to begin, its best that new parents keep an eye out for early signs.

Some of the signs are:

  • Swollen and/or tender gums
  • Lots of drooling or saliva
  • Crying
  • Gnawing and chewing things

It is important to understand that, while uncomfortable, teething will not make your baby ill. If your baby begins developing a fever, this is not a symptom of teething. Your child may experience a slight temperature but this is normally under 40°C and for a brief period of time.

If your child begins developing a high temperature, please see your doctor.

How to Care & Comfort a Teething Baby?

Here are some ways that you can help soothe your baby as they go through teething.

Teething Rings

One of the obvious symptoms that your baby has begun teething is that they begin chewing everything. From their blankets and clothes to anything that they can get their hands on.

Teething rings and other toys are fantastic teething aids for your baby. They’re something that they can chew safely, easing the discomfort and distract them from the pain. An additional bonus is that it is a safe way for them to chew.

A handy tip is to chill them in the fridge first. A traditional remedy is a wet cloth or with an ice cube wrapped around it, which a baby can chew and rub against their tender gums.

While cooling it in the fridge can be a treat for a teething child, do not put it in the freezer. This can cause it to freeze and potentially harm their gentle gums.

Teething Gels for Babies

Teething gels are oral gels that contain a mild antiseptic that works to relieve teething pain and soothe tender gums. Also, it is important to remember, their new teeth are cutting out of their gums. A mild antiseptic oral gel such as Calgel and Dentinox can help prevent the risk of infection.

There are homoeopathic gels which are widely available. However, while some parents have found it useful, it is important to understand that there isn’t conclusive evidence that these remedies are effective.

Paracetamol & Ibuprofen for Teething

If your baby is in pain, it can be appropriate to give them a painkiller, especially if it's causing them to lose sleep. A baby’s paracetamol or ibuprofen can provide them with this pain relief.

Normally, this type of medication is only available for babies aged 3 months or older but please consult any instructions before giving any. If unsure, speak to your GP or pharmacist beforehand.

At Chemist Direct, we understand how difficult teething can be for babies and parents, especially first-time ones. That is why we work with a wide range of healthcare brands to source the very best teething aids available. Check them out today.


  1. NHS - Tips for Helping Your Teething Baby 
  2. NHS - Baby Teething Symptoms 
  3. Baby Centre - Teething: How to Ease the Distress 
  4. Web MD - Teething: Symptoms and Remedies 
  5. Family Lives - Teething