Stop Smoking

Double your chances of stopping smoking with products from our Stop Smoking category including nicotine gum, lozenges, tablets, inhalators, sprays, and patches. We provide you with proven smoking aids that can help manage nicotine craving and increase the chances of successfully quitting.

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  • NiQuitin Clear 7mg Patches Step Three NiQuitin Clear 7mg Patches Step Three 7 Pack

    NiQuitin Patch Step 3 help to relieve and/or prevent cravings and nicotine withdrawal for 24 hours. These patches are step 3 of a 3 step programme to help you to cut down on smoking or stop for short periods.

    3 reviews In Stock
  • NiQuitin Pre-Quit Patches 21mg NiQuitin Pre-Quit Patches 21mg 7 Pack

    NiQuitin Pre-Quit 21mg Patches let you ease into quitting by allowing you to smoke for the first 2-4 weeks while wearing a patch before you give up all your cigarettes on quit day. By setting a quit date it allows you to prepare mentally whilst wearing a patch, giving you a better chance of success.

    6 reviews In Stock

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