Vaginal Dryness Cream

Our category of Vaginal Dryness Creams provides you with the gentlest treatments for improved health and hygiene. These creams can be used to help soothe irritations, promote a healthy pH balance, and keep sensitive skin comfortably calm. No need to endure any discomfort.

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  • Replens MD Vaginal Moisturiser Replens MD Vaginal Moisturiser 6 Applicators | x3 Pack

    Replens MD Vaginal Moisturiser is a long-lasting feminine moisturiser that provides soothing, safe and long-lasting relief of vaginal dryness, especially during menopause. Replens has a patented formula that works to replenish natural moisture and is available with comfortable, easy-to-use applicators that provide soothing relief at the source of discomfort.

    3 reviews In Stock

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