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Vitamin B6

What are the benefits?

Vitamin B6, or pyridoxine, is involved in more bodily functions than any other single nutrient. It is required for the production of serotonin, melatonin, and dopamine, three important chemicals in the brain, as well as RNA and DNA nucleic acids, which contain genetic instructions for the reproduction and growth of all cells.

Vitamin B6 plays a role in the synthesis of antibodies in the immune system and haemoglobin in red blood cells. It helps to make and take apart many amino acids so it is important for the breakdown and use of carbohydrate, protein and fat ? the substances which provide our bodies with energy. Vitamin B6 also helps maintain normal brain function and works in synergy with vitamin B12 and folic acid to help maintain healthy lower levels of an amino acid called homocysteine - an independent factor in heart health.

What are the natural food sources?

Vitamin B6 is found in most food items but the highest amounts are found in foods like carrots, chicken, kidney, eggs, fish, meat, peas, spinach, walnuts, yeast extract and wheat germ. Other sources include bananas, potatoes, peanuts, broccoli, cabbage and beans.

How much do you need?

The recommended daily allowance for vitamin B6 is 2 mg per day. Because vitamin B6 is a water-soluble vitamin, any excess is excreted by the body making it safe to take at relatively high doses. A long-term intake of up to 200 mg daily is not considered harmful. The vitamin B6 available from food is reduced by storage and food processing.

Are you likely to be deficient?

A marginal deficiency of vitamin B6 may sometimes occur in alcoholics, patients with kidney failure, and women using oral contraceptives. Severe vitamin B6 deficiencies, although very rare, may cause impaired immunity, skin lesions, and mental confusion. They may also result in nervousness, insomnia, anaemia, mouth disorders, muscular weakness, dermatitis, arm & leg cramps, loss of hair, slow learning, water retention, depression, dizziness, hyperirritability, oily facial skin or stunted growth.

Are you taking too much?

At very high doses, vitamin B6 can eventually damage sensory nerves, leading to numbness in the hands and feet as well as difficulty walking.

Are there any interactions?

Antidepressants, oestrogen therapy and oral contraceptives may increase the need for Vitamin B6. Diuretics and cortisone drugs may block the absorption of this vitamin by the body.

Vitamin B6 can be found in the following products:

Cardioace 30 Capsules, Cosmopolitan 30 Capsules, Detoxil 30 Tablets, Feroglobin Liquid 200 ml, Feroglobin 30 Capsules, Menopace 30 Tablets, Menopace 90 Tablets, Multiron 30 capsules, Perfectil 30 Tablets, Pregnacare 30 Tablets, Omega-H3 30 Capsules, Premence 30 Capsules, Visionace 30 Tablets, Wellman 30 Tablets, Wellwoman 30 Capsules, Goldcare 30 Capsules and Immunace 30 Capsules.

The levels of vitamins and minerals contained within all Vitabiotics products are within the safe levels published by the Health Food Manufacturers Association and elsewhere. Note - this material is provided for information purposes only. While Vitabiotics has taken steps to ensure it is as factual as possible, we cannot provide any guarantee on the reliability of all information contained herein or the reliability of facts obtained from other information sources.